Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another reason the Yankees Suck!

Last weekend, my roommate, who is originally from Detroit, asked if I'd like to go see the Yankees/ Tigers game at Yankee stadium. One of the things I'm having trouble with is sitting in small spaces, such as theater or stadium seats for long amounts of time.

I can bend my knee past 90°, but not simply, so sitting with my knee down for a long period of time, with people pushing past in crowded rows, is just very difficult for me.

I told her that I would have some trouble with the seats, but that if she wanted to check into handicapped seats, I would definitely be interested.

So here is Yankee Stadium's policy on handicapped seats. Wheelchair only, $90 a seat. So, if you are on crutches, no dice. If you wear leg braces and can't do stairs, or fit into a seat, no go. And heaven forbid you have a tight budget, or are not rich, because $90 is the ONLY price range available.

Isn't it interesting that the Yankees built a $1.3 billion dollar stadium, that seats 51,800 people, as long as you're either able bodied, or very specifically in a wheelchair, with $90 a seat to blow. Their handicap policy, which should be a vehicle to make the stadium more inclusive, is actually quite the opposite.

I realize that I have a very short term issue, in the grand scale of my life time. I'll be able to get back into a stadium seat before the end of the season. But for people who don't have short term disabilities, people who deal with physical handicap for their entire lifetimes, they have no option. I find it atrocious that Yankee Stadium, the shining accomplishment of one of the most popular and well known teams in America, has such a limiting policy.

It proves without a doubt, in my mind now and forevermore, that the Yankees Suck.

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