Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Gym

I'm back at the gym. Back to my old friend/nemesis, the exercise bike. Back to 10:00 to 3:00, 10:00, 3:00.

I'm working on my range of motion, and I cant get all the way around the pedal circumfrence, so I have to go back and forth, back and forth to expand the range my knee will allow. It's really an exciting, stimulating exercise. Right up there with cheese grating for caloric burn.

It's good to be back in the gym, though. This weekend I did a little upper body work for the first time in a month. I've lost a lot of the strength I had, which is frustrating. I was able to do some incline presses, fly press, and bicep curls. My arms feel like lead weights, but I kind of like that feeling again, it's been a while since I've felt it. For some reason, the sore muscle feeling in my left leg is very different, so I've missed this feeling.

My scar is coming along very nicely. For not quite a month after surgery (tomorrow is 4 weeks) it's actually quite flat and smooth. Not too purple or twisted. A friend sent me a really good article on scars.

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