Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back to Work

I went back to work yesterday, but I am only working half days this week. Considering I’m only there about 4- 4 1/2 hours, it’s absolutely exhausting. I come home, and usually take a 2 hour nap. I thought yesterday would be the worst day, but I was wrong, it’s actually today, because I’m so worn out from yesterday. I hope the week doesn’t continue on this trend.

To make things even more fun, I have PMS, which isn’t helping matters at all. The only silver lining I can pull is that I’m hoping that because I'm on vicodin, my usual cramps will be nothing.

I'm struggling with the commute issue. I really hate taking cabs to and from work. It's expensive. If I hit traffic well, and go straight to and from work (no PT, no other errands, appts) it costs me about $12.00 each way. I tried a public transportation route this morning, but it took me an hour and 40 minutes to get to work. Even with a 4 hour work day, that is a LONG day. I am thinking maybe a taxi/subway combo is the solution. Take a simple subway line up closer to my neighborhood, and then take a much shorter, cheaper cab ride. Not quite sure what else to do at this point.

All I know is that I need my vicodin to kick in, right now.

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