Sunday, July 19, 2009

Here's the Poop

Ok, this is your warning. This next entry is about my gastrointestinal trials. If you don't want to read about poop, stop reading now.

Right after surgery, i had been warned about Vicodin and the effects it has on one's digestive tract. I'd been told to eat lots of fiber, as it constipates you horribly. I thought I got off lucky, because while it did take me 4 days after surgery to poop at all, generally, it was just a little firmer, and a little less regular than normal. The problem was that the longer I was on the vicodin, it continued with these two trends.

I was so relieved this week to get off the vicodin, (or at least cut way back, i'm still taking it in the evenings) and moving on to ibuprofen. Here's the problem. I seem to have gone completely the opposite way now. I'm still eating lots of fiber, but things have, to put it kindly, gotten soft. Really soft.

I have a list of goals that I keep in my head, through this surgery. some of them are small, (sleep through the night) some are larger (able to dance and my cousin's wedding in Sept). I never thought that one of them would be to have a comfortable, normal poop.

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