Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Tough Week

This week has been particularly difficult.

On Monday, I went back to my first full day of work. Ugh, what a long day. I did ok until about 3:00. At that point, be it from exhaustion or vicodin, I was literally falling asleep at my desk. Like Narcolepsy style, unable to do anything to keep my eyes open.

The week progressed, and Wed, I started my process of weaning off both Vicodin and my crutch. I only take Vicodin in the evenings now, to settle the discomfort down and then put me to sleep. Wed was particularly tough, I'm using ibuprofen during the day to keep the pain manageable, but it really isn't the same as my pal Vicodin. I came home exhausted, basically passed out on the couch. I did some checking online, and found that there are no serious risks to combining Ambien and Vicodin, so I took an Ambien before bed.

Yeah, Ambien and me don't mix. First of all, I moved around in bed way more than normal. I also managed to sit up quickly and smack my face into the shelf next to my bed, and bruise the bridge of my nose. Secondly, while I did sleep for 8 hours, I woke up ridiculously groggy, and that grogginess didn't subside the whole day. I felt like I hadn't slept at all. Additionally, my knee ached and I couldn't get comfortable at all. I went ahead and went to work, however, and tried to make it through the day.

I only made it until 11:00. My knee ached, I was uncomfortable, and I couldn't focus. I went home, realized I was out of vicodin, and had to go to the pharmacy to get more. By the time I got home from that trip, I was truly miserable, and ready to lay on my couch and moan.

Friday was a little better, but still exhausting. Ambien is definitely not for me. Walking unassisted is totally and completely exhausting, not to mention I look like Quasimodo loping along. I slept for 10 hours last night, and finally, I feel somewhat rested.

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