Sunday, July 5, 2009

Out and About

Last week, my physical therapist told me that I need to start getting out and about in my daily routine. I need to be sitting upright more, with my feet on the floor, walking around and moving.

Friday, my friend Cristina came over for a visit. She and I took a little excursion, and tested my bus/subway route to work. It took about an hour, which is kind of long. Before the accident, my commute was about 35 minutes. After the accident, it took 45-50 minutes, but was still a good amount of walking. This is 10 or so minutes more, but cuts out a lot of the walking on the route. Definitely worth it for me.

After we mapped the route, we went to the quilt store, and Cristina helped me pick out fabrics for a new bed quilt. We spent half an hour or so sorting thru bolts of fabric, and then went for a snack at Starbucks. By the time we got home, I was ready to pass out. A completely exhausting day.

Saturday, I had allergy issues, and was still wiped out from Friday. I ended up staying home for the day, napping and cutting out my new quilt. I did go out to a friend's low key rooftop party in the neigborhood, but again, that totally wiped me out for the day.

Tomorrow I am starting back to work. I'm starting out with half days for a week, which hopefully will make it more manageable. I'm still a little nervous about it. If the above excursions were so exhausting, what is a day of commuting, moving around the office, and actually mentally engaging going to do to me? Hopefully I'll cope well, but it's definitely giving me a bit of anxiety.

I'll report tomorrow on how I do.

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