Monday, June 15, 2009

2 steps forward, one step back- see, I'm dancing!

It seems for every bit of progress I make, I turn right around and back up a step. Friday, I was having a decent day. I was moving fairly well, the knee wasn't too swollen, and I was generally in a pretty good mood.

As I was walking across Canal street on my way home, I was struggling a bit, because there are always a thousand people on Canal street, and none of them have any regard for anyone around them. I took the tiniest side step around some idiot, and my knee buckled. I managed to get my other foot down, to keep me from falling on my ass, but it hurt. It hurt so much, I had to stop for a minute, and hold onto a lightpost until the immediate pain subsided.

By the time I got home, my knee was swelling a bit, again, and getting very stiff. The stiffness and swelling remained through Saturday.

It's frustrating, because I really want to do everything I can to make this better. One of the things I need to do is rest, and let it heal. If you know me, you know I'm really not a very patient person, so that part is extremely difficult for me. Patience may be a virtue, but not one I've ever possessed.

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