Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sadistic Torture Sessions (ie: Physical Therapy)

I started physical therapy this week. I’ve been to this therapist before, but for a different issue (oh yeah, I’m all sorts of busted up in other ways too.) He measured my knees, the degree of flexibility in each leg, and then gave me some stretches and things to do. He also put me on the exercise bike. Here’s the thing. I don’t have enough flexibility yet for my knee to go all the way around on the bike. So I have to go forward as far as I can, and then again backwards to the same limit. It almost seems silly, I can get my foot to 12:00, and then back down and around to 2:00 or so. But that last little bit is just too stiff and painful. It seems like such a short distance, and yet my knee just doesn’t go.

My therapist said that I should do this at my gym, and that people will probably either be annoyed or tease me. I went to the gym this morning, and he was right. A trainer came up, told me it helps if you actually press on the pedals, and gave me a wink. He didn’t know, but it sucks to always be the butt of the joke.

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