Thursday, June 18, 2009

Humbling Therapy Experience

I had some trouble this week scheduling physical therapy sessions. I was able to get a morning Tuesday session, but today I had to settle for a 6:00 spot, with a different therapist.

This shouldn't be a big deal. He has my chart from my regular therapist. He can follow my therapist's plan of action as to what exercises I'm working on. I didn't, however, take into account that I would be much more tired at the end of the day, as compared to the morning. Additionally, new therapist means slightly different exercises. I've been doing leg lifts with my therapist for a bit now. Very basic leg lifts, lying on my back and raising my leg about 2" off the ground. This guy had me lifting my leg up close to 45°. Um...yeah. I can't do that. What? I can't lift my leg without assistance to forty five flipping degrees? Nope, that would be negatory.

It really sucks, it's kind of humbling to see how quickly you can lose control of your facilities. My accident was only a month ago, and already I'm really changed. I don't like it.

In other news, I had my pre-op testing this week. No phone calls, so I'm good to go, green lights ahead. GULP!

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