Saturday, June 27, 2009

Difficult days

The past two days have been pretty tough. The block has completely worn off. I'm now working completley on vicodin, and struggling.

Yesterday, I woke up with no block left at all. I had a full day in store. First, I took a shower. Being that I can't balance very well to stand up, and that I can't really lift my foot up and over the edge of the bathtub, I had to have my mom help me shower. I don't think my mom has had to bathe me since I was six or so. She also had to help me dress, as I still cannot get my underwear up to my knees.

Once dressed, I piled into a taxi cab and went to the chiropractor. Even in the big minivan style cabs, there really isn't enough room to make me truly comfortable on the trip, and every little jiggle and bump of the cab is painful.

I got home from the chiropractor, and had all of about 1/2 an hour before I had to get back into another cab and go to physical therapy.

While we didn't do anything very taxing at PT, it was exhausting. I was hooked up to something called Russian Stimulation, which is electrical stimulation which is intense enough to actually activate the muscles of my left thigh. It's pretty creepy.

Today was a little more laid back, I had nowhere to be, and had a visitor today. My biggest roadblock today is cabin fever. I didn't realize how emotionally difficult it would be to deal with the boredom, the pain, and the total incapactiation that comes with this recovery. I am unable to do anything on my own. I can't dress, I can't get my own food, I can hardly get into bed. I can't get into my CPM machine on my own. If my folks weren't here, I honestly don't know what I'd do. I suppose I could have food delivered, except that I can hardly get to the door in order to accept a delivery. it's exceptionally difficult, and doesn't seem to get much easier as time passes.

Finally, at risk of crossing the line of TMI, I also haven't gone to the bathroom since my surgery. I'm a little worried the vicodin may be backing me up. I'm trying to stay up with high fiber, and I'm not feeling particularly backed up, but being that it's been 4 days, I'm a little concerned.

Tomorrow is Sunday. I'd love to go to church with my parents. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit in a pew, even if we can manage to get there. I guess I'm going to try and get a good night's sleep, and then, depending on how I feel, I can gauge the feasibility of church from there.

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